About Pioneer Virtual Academy

Pioneer Virtual Academy
Learning for the Future
We believe all students can learn.
We believe that the school staff should be connected with students and their families because learning is a shared responsibility for which the school, home, students, and community are jointly responsible.
We believe student engagement is crucial to success and students should have access to a safe, secure, and supportive environment.
We believe every student deserves a rigorous, relevant, and accredited learning experience.
We believe it is important for students to take ownership of their own learning in order to gain the most from every learning opportunity.
We believe technology is a progressive learning tool that provides opportunities for students to reach their greatest potential.
We believe every student is unique and can benefit from a tailored learning plan that meets their individual needs.

Our Mission
By providing a rigorous, relevant, and state accredited, technology-based education, Pioneer Virtual Academy prepares students for college and careers where they will become lifelong learners and contributors to a global society.

Scope & Delivery

Instruction is delivered virtually through Harmony Education Services. Students will participate exclusively in virtual learning, which encompasses virtual learning with parent support, with parents acting as the student’s Learning Coach.

Virtual Learning with PVA

Students admitted to the virtual learning program must be highly motivated and self-disciplined. Students must take initiative and ownership of their own learning in order to be successful in this type of program. Students must be in good standing at their current school and must have acceptable discipline records. Students must maintain a minimum average (as outlined in their personal learning plan) in all courses in order to maintain an exclusively “virtual” status. Students must also be in good standing with regard to truancy. Non-traditional attendance is measured through the completion of lessons/assignments consistent with the students customized learning plan. Students are required to remain on pace and must complete all assignments with a minimum score of 80 to be considered present and attending. In the event that a student does not meet the grade or truancy requirements then the student will have to attend in person sessions (4 sessions per week) at the PVA Learning Lab until the issues are rectified. Once assignments are caught up and grades are satisfactory in each course then students may return to virtual status. In the event that a solution cannot be reached where the student maintains satisfactory progress in each course or continues to have truancy issues, then the student may be withdrawn to traditional school for in-person learning. It is our goal to retain all students in the virtual learning program and we will make every effort to help students meet the requirements of successful virtual learning.