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Federal Programs

Funds from these Federal programs are intended to ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. Our system facilitates and ensures compliance with ESSA and other Federal and State laws.

LawCo TN Schools

Title I, Part A

Title I is the largest federally funded program in our nation's schools. It serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Through Title I, the Federal government gives money to school districts around the country based on the number of low-income families in each district. Each district uses its Title I money for extra educational services for children who are experiencing difficulty with reading and/or mathematics in order that they may be successful in the regular classroom.


All 12 schools in Lawrence County are receiving Title I funding. These schools are school-wide project schools, meaning every child is eligible for Title I help.

Each school must have a plan that details how the school will meet the needs of all children. Parents, teachers and principals work together to ensure that the plan will work to benefit children in making adequate yearly progress (AYP).


Parents of Title I children may request the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teachers and paraprofessionals. If you would like this information, you need to contact the school's office. All paraprofessional in Lawrence County School System are highly qualified according to the state of Tennessee's standards.


Our school district has developed with parents, teachers, and administrators a written parent/family involvement policy. The parent/family involvement policy is available at your school. If you would like to review and suggest changes in the policy for the next year, a staff member will be available during Parent/Teacher Conferences to assist you. If you have questions, you may contact your school.

Each school has a school specific parent/family involvement policy and compact. This is available at your school and on the school information app. If you would like to review and suggest changes in the policy or compact for the next year please attend the annual school Title I meeting or review during Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you have questions, you may contact your school.

Title II

The Title II program is designed to provide students from low-income families and minority students with greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders. These funds may be utilized to expand academies that train and support teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

Title III

The purpose of the Title III program is to improve the education of English learners (ELs) by helping them learn English and meet challenging state academic standards. An EL can be any student who lists a language other than English on the home language survey, and qualifies for services based on the W-APT or WIDA screener. ELs can be both immigrant and non-immigrant students.

Title IV

The purpose of Title IV is to improve students' academic achievement by increasing the capacity of state educational agencies, local education agencies, and local communities to:


  • ​provide all students with access to a well-rounded education


  • improve school conditions for student learning


  • improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students

Title V

The Small, Rural Education Achievement Program is an initiative designed to address the unique needs of rural school districts. These districts frequently lack personnel and resources needed to compete for federal competitive grants and often receive formula allocations that are too small to be used effectively for their intended purposes. The program retains the Rural Education Achievement Program, which provides additional formula funds and flexibility in the use of certain funds to small rural districts.

Title X

All school districts are required to provide needed services to homeless children. The McKinney-Vento Act is designed to address the challenges that homeless children and yours have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school with a strong emphasis on the importance of school stability for homeless children and youths.

Title I does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, veteran or marital status or other protected status covered by federal, state, or local law.

Katie Ridgeway

Director of Federal Programs



931-762-1140 (Fax)

Federal Programs Logo (Web).png

The mission of Federal Programs is to provide technical assistance, program monitoring and resources to local educational agencies (LEA) to ensure that all children have an opportunity to obtain a high quality education and to achieve proficiency on the state's high academic achievement standards.

Federal Programs & Title Information
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